
floor progress

The downstairs floor is shaping up. Made by cutting slices of Hungarian Mahogany, Redwood, Pine and Bamboo the pieces are then broken up and tile adhesive is used to affix it to the floor. As with the bottle cap and wine cork floors, grout and resin will be applied over this for protection and highlighting.

The design of the floor will morph into a Phoenix. As you can see on the left, a feather has been made from redwood. The bird will be on the east side of the kitchen ~ photos below are on the west side ~ kitchen in the center of one long walkway with doors on both ends to outdoor studio and front of the house.

pieces of pine cut and ready to be used on floor

view facing west to the front door

center of kitchen walk area

view from upstairs landing

Josh's cabinetry job in the upstairs bedroom

1 comment:

Kim Hambric said...

What a job! This place is going to be stunning.