As you might have noticed in the previous post, we've gotten a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Bone House, and it is being made all the more quirky and wonderful with the vibrant personalities now dwelling within. The water collection system is finally hooked up (so we can capitalize off that sweet Texas rain), the studio's bathroom/laundry room is a-go-go, and there are some more bells and whistles (and bottles) adorning the outdoor kitchen, a.k.a. the Chevron Station. From here, the place only needs the addition of a driveway, a BIG clean-up day, and a few more loose ends chased down and we'll be able to tally one more house under the FINITO column.

Another project that's we've been taking on simultaneously is the interior design for an education room in a new single-stream paper recycling facility being built by Waste Management in Houston. They want a place to take groups of kids and other tours to show them how recycling actually works, and they want us to give them a literal example of what one can do with recycled stuff....that, and just make the room look as cool as humanly possible.

So, we spent a lot of time making a pretty bodacious mural for this room, sizing up to 6'x30' on one wall and 6'x20' on another. Here are a few in-progress pics to give the audience an idea of what we're talking about. We'll try to get some comprehensive images up when we get 'em installed.
To match this, we've also been churning out a whole mess of chairs in which the curious minds of tomorrow can sit and ponder. These range from whimsical to eerie, from modernist to folk art. Here are a few of these thrifty thrones for your eyes to munch on.
For the sake of space, I'll only put up a handful on this blog, but you can check out all the one's we've produced thus far on our Flickr photostream, found here.
One last (and pretty righteous) thing to mention-- our one and only Dan Phillips gave a lecture a while back at TEDxHouston event. TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, is a non-profit that brings some the most prolific minds alive in the world today (experts and innovators in the sciences, arts, education and more) to conventions to spread their insights and ideas to each other and the world, and they post the lectures online for anybody to view for free.
This is the speech that Dan made when he was featured at the event earlier in the year, and it was just posted online right at Thanksgiving. If you hurry and check soon, he's still on TED's home page! (
So, we hope that's enough for ya'll to digest for now. We'll keep ya updated as more things come along our path. Until then, stay warm and keep creating!